We provide Swedish Massage,Deep Tissue Massage ,hot stone and sports massage. Prostitution is prohibited.All our products is brand new mostly bought from costco.Our beds is queit and stable.We also put heated throw on the bottom.We have central control air conditionor.Our Professional therupist has at least 5 years experience.We want to proviede good environment for every customer as much as we can.
Price:During the the 1 month newly opeing we have combination massage for $30/0.5hour, $50/1 hour,$70/1.5 hour and $90/2 hours.
Benefit: free water, coffee,shower and candies.
Hours: Monday-Sunday 10am-9pm
Location:238 9th st, Oakland CA 94607
the corner of alice and 9th street.
Phone number:9198079997 4159678629